# npm registry

npm/registry : github.com

A public issue repo for the npm registry team.

https://registry.npmjs.org/node/ - explore online

need the package name in the path : https://registry.npmjs.org/<package-name>/

# cdn

unpkg (unpkg - github.com)

The CDN for everything on npm

# registry impl

# artifactory

JFrog Artifactory Enterprise Universal Repository Manager

Support a lot more then just npm registry, but include a npm registry impl

# verdaccio


A lightweight private npm proxy registry

Verdaccio is a simple, zero-config-required local private npm registry. No need for an entire database just to get started! Verdaccio comes out of the box with its own tiny database, and the ability to proxy other registries (eg. npmjs.org), caching the downloaded modules along the way.


verdaccio - github.com/verdaccio

# npm packages smoke test with verdaccio

Can be used to smoke test npm publish command.

See example with facebook/create-react-app.

See also How to test an npm publish result, without actually publishing to NPM? - stackoverflow.com

# articles

this guy would like to avoid using registry because he is annoying when wanting a particular package version not put by the package owner into the npm registry. He would prefer npm as a fin layer on the top of GitHub (like bower does). Comments are worth to read.

# alternatives

# bower


One of the first package manager for the web (only for frontend projects).

It is at the end of his life. The bower team recommends using yarn and webpack.

# yarn


Yarn is not a new package manager, it is just a new CLI built on top of the npm registry. He behave differently then npm CLI. This was really true before npm published @5.y.z version of npm CLI.

Yarn is developed by some Google and Facebook devs.

Diff w/ npm CLI (see npm-vs-yarn : blog.zenika.com 20170313 :

  • parallelized downloads (so yarn is faster)
  • deterministic with yarn.lock file (it is npm shrinkwrap autoexec, it is same as package.lock from npm@5.y.z)
  • ...