# Git - workflow
# differents sources for brainstorming
The main important one, which is "devops compatible" : Understanding the GitHub Flow
# others workflows
- A successful Git branching model (diagram)
- differents workflow comparison
- GitLab workflow (Continuous Delivery oriented)
- Feature driven development
- merge fast-forward vs no-ff
- Pull Request Merge Strategies: The Great Debate
- Pull request versus Merge request
- A guide to the Kernel Development Process
# Git workflow list
- Centralized workflow
- Feature branch workflow
- Gitflow workflow
- Forking workflow
- Anti-Gitflow workflow
- Git DMZ workflow (Continuous Delivery oriented possible but not mandatory)
- GitLab workflow (Continuous Delivery oriented)
- GitHub flow (Continuous Delivery oriented) (best one, simple : A single branch, always deployable. Every dev is branched from this branch)
- GitHub Flow - Article Original par Scott Chacon - 20110831 (Scott Chacon est l'auteur de Pro Git et également employé chez GitHub.)
- Shared repository workflow (same as GitHub flow) (Continuous Delivery oriented)
- Simple Git flow (Continuous Delivery oriented)
- Trunk based development
- Trunk-based Development vs. Git Flow - www.toptal.com - 201705xx
Git team workflows: merge or rebase? - www.atlassian.com/blog - 20131028
Rebase as cleanup:
- You’re developing locally.
- Your code is ready for review.
- Review is done and ready to be integrated into the target branch.
Rebase team policy:
When a feature branch’s development is complete, rebase/squash all the work down to the minimum number of meaningful commits and avoid creating a merge commit
- Code history remains flat and readable.
- Manipulating a single commit is easy (e.g. reverting them).
- Squashing can hide context
- Rebasing doesn’t play well with pull requests
- Rebasing can be dangerous!
- It’s more work
- you need to force push at some point
Merge team policy:
When a feature branch is complete merge it to your target branch (master or develop or next).
- Traceability
- History can become intensely polluted by lots of merge commits
# opensource contrib on GitHub
How to Contribute to an Open Source Project on GitHub
- Introduction to GitHub 0:47
- Exploring GitHub 1:47
- Exploring a Repository 4:07
- How to install Git SCM 2:15
- How to authenticate with GitHub using SSH 3:34
- Identifying How to Contribute to an Open Source Project on GitHub 2:15
- How to Fork and Clone a GitHub Repository 2:41
- Setting up the project locally 1:18
- How to create a Pull Request on GitHub 6:19
- How to Collaborate on a Pull Request on GitHub 2:21
- How to update a Pull Request on GitHub 2:57
- How to rebase a Git Pull Request branch 3:39
- How to squash multiple Git commits 2:53
- Getting a Pull Request Merged and Wrapping up 1:13
# merging strategy
Dilemne avec worklow Git et intégration continue - www.developpez.net/forums - 2016
In a CI strategy you can merge in master at the start of the day to prevent painful merges at a later time. In a synchronization point strategy you only merge in from well defined points in time, for example a tagged release.
# synchronization point strategy
Based on an email from Linus Torvalds about merging strategy for linux dev.
Goals : I want clean history, but that really means (a) clean and (b) history.
# clean
- People can (and probably should) rebase their private trees (their own work). That's a cleanup.
- But never other peoples code. That's a "destroy history".
# history
- Keep your own history readable
- Don't expose your crap.
- Don't merge upstream (ie : pull) code at random points.
- Don't merge downstream (ie : push) code at random points either.
# Continuous Integration strategy
Based on Martin Fowler quotes in GitLab documentation.
If your feature branches commonly take more than a day of work, look into ways to create smaller units of work and/or use feature toggles.
# pros
- merge your work every day
- pull others work every day
- CI oriented
- painless merge
- easier for devs to handle
# cons
- feature flipping is mandatory to be able to deliver a clean product
- more difficult for dev to handle