# html tips

# balises <meta>

# <meta> viewport

Comprendre le Viewport dans le Web mobile - www.alsacreations.com - 20121015

Afin de forcer le bon niveau de zoom aux navigateurs mobiles, mais aussi pour leur imposer une largeur de viewport qui n'est pas égale à 980px (ou autres valeurs selon le navigateur), il vous sera nécessaire d'inclure une balise <meta> "viewport" au sein du <head> de votre document HTML.

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, shrink-to-fit=no">

# stocker une image directement dans le html

                     width="98" height="66" alt="Toto"/>

Link prefetching - developer.mozilla.org

<link rel="prefetch" href="/images/big.jpeg">

# donner une baseref à l'ensemble d'un site via une balise

tag_base : www.w3schools.com

# plusieurs h1 dans une page

les-balises-h1-multiples-autorisees-en-html5 : blog.lesieur.name

# HTML and CSS components every 2016 modern page should have

source : www.quora.com

# Semantic html

Proper semantics means :

  • a more searchable content that leads to a better search engine ranking.
  • increase accessibility, as assistive technologies such as screen readers can better interpret the meaning of our content.

# Semantic Elements Before HTML5

  • <body></body>
  • <form></form>
  • <img/>
  • <table></table>
  • <a></a>
  • <ul><li></li></ul>
  • <p></p>
  • <h1></h1>
  • <h2></h2>
  • <hN></hN>
  • ...

# Non-Semantic Elements

  • <div></div>
  • <span></span>

# Text Semantics in HTML5

  • <strong></strong>
  • <em></em>
  • <div></div>

# Document Outline in HTML5

  • <header></header> every sectioning element (body, article, section, nav and aside) can have its own header and footer
  • <footer></footer> every sectioning element (body, article, section, nav and aside) can have its own header and footer
  • <section></section> for sections grouped around a specific theme
  • <article></article> for complete or self-contained compositions such as a blog post or a widget
  • <nav></nav> for navigation blocks
  • <aside></aside> for complementary content such as sidebars.

# Tips For Semantically Structured Content

  • The outermost sectioning element is always the <body></body> tag.
  • Sections in HTML5 can be nested.
  • Each section has its own heading hierarchy. Each of them can have an h1 tag.
  • While the document outline is primarily defined by the 5 sectioning elements, it also needs proper headings for each section.
  • It’s always the first heading element (let it be h1 or a lower rank heading tag) that defines the heading of the given section. The following heading tags inside the same section need to be relative to this. (If the first heading is an h3 inside a sectioning element, don’t put an h3 after that.)
  • The sections defined by the <nav></nav>, and the <aside></aside> tags don’t belong to the main outline of the HTML document, they are usually not rendered initially by assistive technologies.
  • Each section (body, section, article, aside, nav) can have their own <header></header> and <footer></footer> tags, that defines the header (such as logo, author’s name, dates, meta info, etc.) and the footer (copyright, notes, links, etc.) of that section.

document outline example