# devops - overview

# what is devops

Devops - wikipedia.fr

Apparu vers 2010, le mouvement Devops se caractérise principalement par la promotion de l'automation et du suivi (monitoring) de toutes les étapes de la création d'un logiciel, depuis le développement, l'intégration, les tests, la livraison jusqu'au déploiement, l'exploitation et la maintenance des infrastructures. Les principes Devops soutiennent des cycles de développement plus courts, une augmentation de la fréquence des déploiements et des livraisons continues, pour une meilleure atteinte des objectifs économiques de l'entreprise.

Patrick Debois - fr.wikipedia.org

Inventeur du mot devops qui désigne une approche fédérée des développements informatiques (build) et des opérations (run).

Patrick Debois - site perso - www.jedi.be

Patrick Debois - twitter.com

Il était une fois … l’histoire du DevOps - www.oxalide.com - 20140627

DevOps Culture (Part 1) - itrevolution.com - 20120501

# DevOps pipeline

DevOps Pipeline

# article "Construire un pipeline DevOps"

Contruire un pipeline DevOps - jch.blog4ever.com - Jean Chambard - 20180217

TLDR : Liste et explique les outils associés à chaque étape de la pipeline.

Etapdes de la pipeline : Plan → Code → Build → Test → Release → Deploy → Operate → Monitor

Plan :

Code :

Build :

Test :

  • Selenium, pour tester toutes les applications avec une interface utilisateur basée sur un navigateur Web.
  • Micro Focus (Ex HPE) Unified Functionnel Testing (UFT).
  • Tricentis Tosca, son challenger.
  • Smartbear TestComplete
  • IBM Rational Test Workbench. Il faut mieux avoir la suite Rational et un bon Mainframe pour ce genre d'outils.

Release :

Deploy :

  • déploiement

    • Jenkins. En sus d'assurer l'intégration continue, Jenkins est aussi capable de faire du déploiement continu. Mais cela reste assez rudimentaire. Pour des outils un peu plus évolués, il faut s'orienter vers des outils payants, qui offrent de nombreux plugins et interfaces.
    • Electric Cloud ElectricFlow
    • XebiaLabs XL-Deploy. Un des leaders en France.
    • CA Technologies Automic Release Automation (rachat). Notons qu'Automic a réalisé un belle cartographie des différents outils, qui vaut le coup d'oeil.
    • Octopus Deploy
    • IBM UrbanCode Deploy (rachat)
  • provisioning

    • Chef.
    • Puppet.
    • Ansible. Sans doute le plus simple des 3 produits, et fonctionnant sans agent, ce qui fait son succès, mais aussi le plus limité de ce fait.
    • Mentionnons aussi SaltStack et Fabric, des outils assez frustres de déploiement mais qui ont l'avantage d'être simples et gratuits.
  • suivi

Operate :

  • Les conteneurs Linux LXC
  • Docker (qui n'est qu'une évolution des conteneurs LXC) et Docker Swarm pour la gestion des clusters, du routage, de la scalability.
  • Apache Mesos ; ce n'est pas un système de container mais plutôt un OS distribué supportant un système de container tel que Docker. Intéressant pour sa scalability.
  • Kubernetes : un système open source conçu à l'origine par Google et offert à la Cloud Native Computing Foundation. Il vise à fournir une « plate-forme permettant d'automatiser le déploiement, la montée en charge et la mise en œuvre de conteneurs d'applications sur des clusters de serveurs ». A noter que Docker offre maintenant le support de Kubertenes dans la Docker Community Edition pour les developpeurs sous Windows et macOS, et dans la Docker Enterprise Edition.
  • Les conteneurs Windows de chez Microsoft

Monitor :

  • Dynatrace DCRUM et Purepath (APM)
  • Appdynamics APM
  • New Relic APM

En complément :

  • ELK : acronyme pour 3 projets open source, Elasticsearch, Logstash, et Kibana. Ce triptyque est très répandu et utilisé notamment pour la supervision de la sécurité, mais pas que.
  • Splunk : C'est une sorte de plate-forme d'Intelligence Opérationnelle (par opposition à la Business Intelligence) temps réel. On peut ainsi explorer, surveiller, analyser et visualiser les données machine via Splunk.
  • DataDog : DataDog est une excellente alternative à Splunk. La solution fonctionne aussi sur des environnements dans le Cloud.

# GitHub Actions

GitHub Actions now supports CI/CD, free for public repositories

GitHub Actions - Subscribe to beta (will until end 2019)

A curated list of awesome actions to use on GitHub

Official doc Automating your workflow with GitHub Actions - help.github.com

Official GitHub Actions collection - github.com/actions

GitHub Action and semantic-release discussion

# GitHub Blog official announcement

# GitHub Package Registry

GitHub publie GitHub Package Registry en beta ouverte - alm.developpez.com - 20190512

Official doc About GitHub Package Registry - help.github.com

Your packages, at home with their code - Subscribe to beta

# GitHub Blog official announcement

# resources


DORA - DevOps Research and Assessment

Accelerate - Nicole Forsgren, Jez Humble and Gene Kim - 20180327

Scientific study giving results and methodology about the puppet.com states of Devops from 2014 to 2017 (the books authors contributed to theses studies)

Martin Fowler preface

The state of devops 2021 - puppet.com

DevOps is not just automation ... and DevOps is not the cloud

  • Team identities and clear interaction paradigms matter.
  • Cultural blockers are keeping mid-evolution firms stuck in the middle.
  • Platform teams are key to success at scale.

DevOps success requires support from every level of the organization : The most highly evolved firms benefit from top-down enablement of bottom‐up transformation.

Automating repetitive tasks may not be sufficient for DevOps, but it is absolutely necessary.

Stuck in the middle :

  • organizational resistance to change
  • legacy architecture
  • shortage of skills
  • limited or lack of automation
  • unclear goals or objectives

Stop talking about culture, start doing stuff

The role of platforms and self-service

Risk aversion impedes progress

How can leaders change their culture? Practical ideas for change

  • One of the most important interventions a leader can make is making the team understand why the status quo is no longer good enough.
  • take a long hard look at who you are hiring and how you’re hiring them.
  • think about how you can constantly, every day, “nudge” behavior in the right direction via praise, reward and recognition and directly, overtly, challenge those behaviors that do not align with the direction you are trying to go

The state of devops 2020 - puppet.com

1/ Scaling DevOps practices with internal platform teams Platform as product not as project

2/ Change management in the DevOps era engineering‐driven companies have the greatest implementation success and highest levels of efficiency. Top challenges reported by all groups :

  • Incomplete test coverage.
  • Organizational mindset.
  • Tightly coupled application architecture.

The state of devops 2019 - puppet.com

Highly focused on security subjects

The state of devops 2018 - puppet.com

The state of devops 2017 - puppet.com

High performing organizations that effectively utilize DevOps principles achieve:

  • 46x more frequent software deployments than their competitors.
  • 96x faster recovery from failures.
  • 440x faster lead time for changes.
  • Higher levels of customer satisfaction and operational efficiency.

The state of devops 2016 - puppet.com

The state of devops 2015 - puppet.com

The state of devops 2014 - puppet.com

The state of devops 2013 - puppet.com

Containers + Kubernetes + OpenStack : la plateforme du futur ? - Rafaël Portolano, Dynatrace - 20171128

# devops and outsourcing

Will DevOps Kill IT Outsourcing?: Part 1 - devops.com - 20150803

According to a report out earlier this spring by outsourcing research firm Information Services Group (ISG), average outsourcing contract values saw their worst first quarter in a decade, dropping by 27 percent year-over-year. Big deals over $30 million were particularly hit hard, declining by 25 percent in both number and value.

"I hear many more negative experiences organizations have had with outsourcing arrangements than I do positive ones," he says. "Poor quality. Higher-than-expected management overhead required. Inflexibility. Process challenges. All are reasons cited for why the arrangements didn’t live up to expectations."

The anecdotal stories are also piling up of big name enterprises pulling more of their IT resources back in house after years of outsourcing.

"Outsourcing in an enterprise setting is often implemented in a way that advances outdated waterfall-like practices and processes that are antithetical to continuous delivery," Braunhut says.

"To be most effective, enterprises need to own the transformation, and it has to be a truly collaborative effort across disciplines–business leadership, engineering, system administration, security & compliance,"says Thomas Enochs, vice president of customer success at Chef. "ollaboration and transformation are difficult to achieve with outside third parties or vendors. They need to own and drive the change themselves, and not be dependent on others."

# cloud

# VMs vs Containers

Containers and VMs - A Practical Comparison

      **VM**                                                   **Containers**

+-----------------+                                         +-----------------+ <-+
|       App       |                                         |       App       |   | All
|                 |                                         |                 |   | this part
+-----------------+                                         +-----------------+   | is a
         |                                                  | OS Dependencies |   | container
         |                                                  +-----------------+ <-+
+-----------------+                                         +--------+--------+
|   Dependencies  |  <-- config                             |        | Docker |
+-----------------+                                         |        +--------+
|       OS        |                                         |                 |
|                 |                                         |      OS         |
+-----------------+                                         +-----------------+

     < VM >   NIC, Storage, Size                                  < VM >
     < VSphere, HV, NSX, VSAN > NIC, Storage,                     < HV >
                                Agents, Kernel

+-----------------+                                         +-----------------+
|                 |                                         |                 |
|    Physical     |                                         |    Physical     |
|                 |                                         |                 |
+-----------------+                                         +-----------------+

# IaaS

Infrastructure As A Service

Amazon EC2, Windows Azure, RackSpace, CloudWatt, ...


Dropbox saved almost $75 million over two years by building its own tech infrastructure - www.geekwire.com - 20180223

# PaaS

Platform As A Service

Heroku, ...

# SaaS

Software As A Service

Any software hosted elsewhere on the internet (a webmail, a source code repository, a billing solution, etc ...)

# FaaS

Function As A Service

Just host a simple function, give it data and get a result.

# containers and containers orchestrators

What is a Container? - VMware Cloud-Native

  • Simplist form of what a container is : a sandbox for a process (goal is to running a process in isolation)

Most fundamentals notions of the runtime definition of a container :

process namespace (only that process shown by ps command)

Cgroups allows to restrict what containerized process are allowed to do (capabilities, ressources, ...)

Container life cycle and associated process are bounds.

  • An image is a tree of images (image of OS, images of binaries (ssh, perl, ...), image of your app)

Each image can be seen as a binary snapshot (ssh in version x.y.z for ex).

It means you can compose your image with several others images instead of creating a monolitic full stack image.

  • Docker

a docker file is a starting point for an image.

A container is packaged with all of his dependencies.

With a classical install for your app, your are limited by deps installed on your system.

With a container, it is expected that all the deps above the kernel are packaged inside the container. So when you run your container inside an OS, it don't install anything. It sits above the OS in its own world. If you delete your image, you the OS state is unchanged.

  • Docker host

A docker host tight the runtime container, the images and the docker file together.

A docker host have a cache of the docker registry. The registry contains the images of binaries (each available versions).

You can pull and push from the registry. There is a diff with the cache to pull/push only what is needed.

The docker client talk (pull, create, run, commit, ...) to the daemon in docker host. Not only container life cycle management but also network and storage config.

A docker host can contains also a Volume from a docker image. A Volume is the saved state (storage) of the container. Deleting a container is also deleting his state, the Volume.

Characterizing and Contrasting Container Orchestrators - devops.com - 20170920

super quick evaluation of :

  • Nomad
  • Docker Swarm
  • Kubernetes
  • Mesos-Marathon

# docker, kubernetes

The Advantages of Using Kubernetes and Docker Together - 20180507

  • Everything Starts With Your Local Environment
  • Use Docker to Pack and Ship Your App
  • Use Kubernetes to Deploy and Scale Your App
  • You’ll Deliver Quickly, Consistently, and Predictably

Docker, Kubernetes et Istio, c'est utile pour mon monolithe? (D. Gageot) - DevoxxFR 2018

Pour développer et mettre en production une architecture à base de micro-services, Docker, Kubernetes et Istio s'imposent. Docker nous donne l'isolation des services, Kubernetes permet de les distribuer sur un cluster et Istio apporte de l'intelligence au réseau.

Mais voilà, comme 80% des développeurs, c'est une application monolithique et paléolithique que je dois moderniser. Comment puis-je tirer tous les bénéfices de ces outils ? Puis-je le faire sans toucher une ligne de code de mon application ?

Simplification des montées de version, Déploiement sur le Cloud, Sécurisation des flux, Terminaison SSL, Blue/Green deployments, A/B Testing, Monitoring des Apis... Autant de cas concrets que l'on mettra en oeuvre sans toucher au monolithe !!

  • LesFurets.com @Dimitri Baeli : J+1 (h+1 hotfix) (500K LoC, codebase age 10 ans, 25 devs)
  • BlaBlaCar @Nicolas Tricot : 45 mins entre git push et deploy prod