# debug js in webstorm

To debug JavaScript code in Webstorm via karma with Jasmine.

# prepare Karma


The Karma website

# config Karma

A simple karma.conf.js file generated with the karma command line tool is ok. Like this and this

# prepare Webstorm and a browser

A browser is needed to execute js. Using Chrome we need a JetBrains plugin

Now create a Karma configuration in webstorm with the "Run/Debug Configurations" window. It is needed to tell Webstorm the karma.conf.js file to pick.

# running a test

Select karma in the run/debug config combo box. Keep the unit test source code file selected in WS. Add some breakpoints. Clic on the debug button (or MAJ + F9)


The Jasmine doc

# Video ressources

short vid (5mins) with basics