# manipulation des processus

# ps

The ps Command - www.linfo.org

lister tous les processus actifs sur le système

ps -ef

filtrer la liste précédente avec des mots clefs

# filtrer la liste avec le mot clef "jboss"
$ ps -ef | grep jboss

# kill

The kill man page

int kill(pid_t pid, int sig);

Availables signals

signal id comment meaning
SIGINT 2 Interrupt from keyboard It politely tells the program to terminate. Performs the same function as Ctrl+C. It’s up to the process whether it will listen to it or not.
SIGTERM 15 Termination signal This is the default signal of the kill command.
SIGKILL 9 Kill signal Unlike other signals, the SIGKILL signal is never sent to the process. Instead, the terminal immediately kills the program and the program doesn’t get the time to save its data or clean up its work. Only use this as a last resort.

And many more ...

# htop

htop official website hishamhm/htop - github.com

htop is an interactive text-mode process viewer for Unix systems. It aims to be a better 'top'.

htop explained - peteris.rocks/blog - 20170102

System process monitoring with Htop - codeforgeek.com - 20141222

# install

sudo apt-get install htop

# view management

F2 to customize layout (add columns, etc ...).

F5 to toggle the view between list view or tree view.

In list view, F6 is used to sort the list.

In tree view, F6 is used to expand / collapse nodes.

Process are colored in white, and threads in green.

Filter the view with F4 and type the command used to launch the process you want to filter. For example to filter all Node.js processes just type node.

# signals

Select a process and F9, it opens a list of signals to send to the process.